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About the Library

The Alfredo F. Tadiar Library was established in 2017 as an independent reading and research library, free and open to the public.


It is the project of the Alfredo F. Tadiar Library Council, Inc., a non-stock, non-profit organization. We rely on the generosity of our donors as well as revenue from PUÓN, our books, arts, & design shop, to support our collections and make it available to the public, free of charge. Please help to support our efforts by becoming a donor or partner of the Tadiar Library.


The Library was conceived to honor the life and work of Alfredo F. Tadiar, and the life and work of the peoples of Northern Philippines.

Our Objectives and Values

Inspired by the life-long work and aspirations of Alfredo F. Tadiar, we seek to:


Identify, acquire, and preserve valuable knowledge and original, unique and authoritative materials of historical importance in our areas of focus


Inspire interest in the peoples and places of Northern Philippines, and enrich perspectives on the cultures, languages, and histories of this region in a global context


Foster self-determination through developing and strengthening of collective knowledge, the organization of educational and cultural activities and exhibitions, and the promotion of creative endeavors within its communities


Enable critical understanding, meaningful engagement, and creative imagination


Stimulate curiosity, life-learning, civic engagement, social equality and justice, and the improvement and enjoyment of life.

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